Spring Market Choice Bouquet


Market Choice bouquets are put together by the Lead Designer in store. Product is based on what is seasonally available.

Product that could be featured in the market choice bouquets are: Roses, Tulips, Spray Roses, Ranunculus, Snapdragons, Gerbers, Peonies( $50, $75 or $100 bouquets), Stock and assorted greenery.

Size wise:

$40 Market Choice- Small Bouquet

$50 Market Choice – Medium Bouquet

$75 Market Choice- Large Bouquet

$100 Market Choice- Extra Large Bouquet

Colour Preference:

You may add colour palette of your choosing to the Note Section

Choice of blooms:

You may add a note of Bloom choices to include or to leave out

**These are hand-tied bouquets and do not include vases**

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Spring bouquets are put together by the Lead Designer in store. Product is based on what is seasonally available.

Size wise:

$40 Market Choice- Small Bouquet

$50 Market Choice – Medium Bouquet

$75 Market Choice – Large Bouquet

$100 Market Choice – Extra Large Bouquet

Colour Preference:

If you do not want winter tones- You may add colour palette of your choosing to the Note Section

Choice of blooms:

You may add a note of Bloom choices to include or to leave out

**These are hand-tied bouquets and do not includes vases**

Additional information


$40, $50, $75, $100